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November 2, 2010

Business Sucess and Employees

Making a small business successful requires one to understand the one secret to get there. Ask any successful small business owner, "What do you do on a daily basis", they will most likely tell you, "I build my business each day".

Why build the business evereyday when they have employees? It is simple, the business owner has an idea of his or her destination and therefore need to be involved in all aspects of the business but mostly building and establishing their aims.

Let imagine one thing, "If you are doing all the tasks that your business has then you won't have any time for building your business to its full potential".

What does this have to do with the small business secret to success?

The reason this is related to the success of your business is because successful individuals need to be able to hire help and then leave their help do most of the work. The part that most small business owners have trouble with is they either micromanage all aspects of the business or they don't do enough. The trick to finding a place right in the middle is to keep in contact with all your employees and watch over them every so often to make sure they are doing what is best for the business.

Here is a trick that I use to make sure my business is always heading towards my vision

Every week my employees and I will get together to discuss the progress we made the previous week and see what needs to be done in the next week. What this does is gives me a sense of security that my business isn't going off course and it gives my employees ask questions and bounce ideas off me and the others. The thing I love most about doing this every week is that I don't have to micromanage my employees and I can stick to the most important part of my job which is building the empire that I know my business can become.

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