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May 20, 2011

US eDV Lottery 2012 Result Cancelled

I was among the crowd that applied for the 2012 Dv lottery and on the first week of May 2011, i checked my status to see if i was selected for further processing only to realise that i was not. But this morning, as i was
checking my mail, i saw a mail from the US department of State notifying me of error in the earlier result and that i should check back in July 201. Find below is the copy of the mail.

May 16, 2011
Dear Diversity Visa Lottery Entrant:
We regret to inform you that, because of a computer programming error, the results of the 2012 Diversity Lottery that were previously posted on the Department of State Entrant Status Check website have been voided. The results were not valid because they did not represent a fair, random selection of entrants, as required by U.S. law. They were posted in error.
If you checked the Entrant Status Check website ( during the first week in May and found a notice that you had been selected for further processing or a notice that you had not been selected, that notice has been rescinded and is no longer valid.
A new selection process will be conducted based on the original entries for the 2012 program.
You submitted a qualified entry between October 5, 2010 and November 3, 2010. Your entry remains with us and will be included in the new selection lottery. Your confirmation number to check results on the Entrant Status Check website is still valid.
If you lost or destroyed your confirmation number, please click here:
We expect the results of the new selection process to be available on or about July 15, 2011 at
We regret any inconvenience or disappointment this might have caused.
Here are some answers to frequently asked questions:
Q: Why was it necessary to invalidate the names that were selected?
  • U.S. law requires that Diversity Immigrant visas be made available through a strictly random process. A computer programming error resulted in a selection that was not truly random.
  • Since the computer programming error caused an outcome that was not random, the outcome did not meet the requirements of the law, and would have been unfair to many DV entrants.
Q: Is the 2012 Diversity Visa Program cancelled?
  • No. The 2012 program will continue. The computer programming error has been identified and corrected. The Department of State will run a new selection using all the qualified entries submitted for the 2012 program (received between October 5, 2010 and November 3, 2010).
Q: Do I have to submit a new application?
  • No. You may not submit a new application. We will use all qualified entries received during the October 5 to November 3, 2010 registration period.
Q: Will you open a new entry period?
  • No. New entries will not be accepted.
Q: I checked the Entry Status Check website after May 1 and it said I had been selected. Can I apply for a DV visa?
  • Unfortunately, results previously posted on this website are not valid because the selection process was not fair or random. We will take the entries of all individuals who sent in their registration during the original October 5 to November 3, 2010 time period and run a new lottery. We regret any inconvenience or disappointment this has caused.
Q: How can I check the results of the new selection?
  • The new results should be available on this website on or about July 15, 2011. The confirmation code you received when you registered is still valid for use on the website.
Q: Was the Department of State hacked? Was my personal information at risk?
  • We have no evidence that this problem was caused by any intentional act. No unauthorized party accessed data related to the DV program.
  • This appears to be solely the result of a computer programming error.
Q: You said the Department of State would not contact DV entrants by e-mail. Why are you sending this one now?
  • Because of the computer error, we decided it was important to notify every person who might have seen incorrect information on the website. An e-mail was the fastest way to reach DV entrants.
  • Winners in the new selection process will not be notified by e-mail. The results of the new selection process will only be available on the Entrant Status Check website ( on or about July 15, 2011.
Q: I thought I was selected, and I sent application forms to the Kentucky Consular Center. What should I do now?
  • Those forms will not be processed by the Kentucky Consular Center, because they were submitted in connection with the lottery result that was voided. We cannot reimburse you for any costs, such as postage, that you may have paid to send these forms to the Kentucky Consular Center. You should check the Entrant Status Check website on or about July 15 to see if you are selected in the repeated lottery selection process. If you are selected again, we ask that you simply follow the instructions given in the notification letter, including the step of mailing your completed application forms to the Kentucky Consular Center, once again.
Q: I thought I was selected. I am in the United State and contacted US Citizenship and Immigration Services about adjustment of status. What should I do now?
  • USCIS will not process any adjustment of status cases based on the voided DV selection process. If you already paid the $440 DV fee to the USBank lockbox based on your belief that you had been selected, you may request a refund from KCC through the following mailing address:
    Kentucky Consular Center
    3505 Highway 25-W North
    Williamsburg, Kentucky 40769

    Did you  receive same or not, were you selected in the first instance? Let here your side of the story in the comment box.

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1 comment:

  1. Frustrated NigerianMay 20, 2011

    Thank God, i hope i will be selected this time around


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