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May 19, 2011

Ex- IMF Chief Granted 100 Million Dollars Cash Bail on Sex Charges

Ex- IMF Chief , Strauss-Khan has been Granted 100 Million Dollars Cash Bail. The Ex-chief was earlier in the month denied a bail. He was released from jail and he is now being expected on friday. He must submit to home
detention. He must also post a 7 million Dollars Bond and seven count criminal indictment was announced against him.
He was accused of sex charges against a maid in New York.
Mr Strauss-Kahn has been held in custody since Monday facing charges which include the attempted rape of a New York hotel chambermaid.He denies the charges.
His lawyer William Taylor successfully won bail for his client telling the court the idea of Mr Strauss-Kahn skipping bail was 'ludicrous'.

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