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May 10, 2011

Extra England university places for wealthy considered

Universities in England may be allowed to make extra places available for wealthy UK students, under proposals being considered by the government.

They would be charged fees at the level of overseas students.
These self-funding students would free up publicly subsidised university places for poorer students.
NUS president Aaron Porter said the government was trying to "disguise the chaos it has created in university funding".
"These are people who wish to go to university, but who sadly are being turned away just because there aren't enough places."
Mr Willetts suggested that this would allow companies or charities to sponsor additional places - without any cost to the taxpayer.
Any such proposals would have to comply with the government's support for social mobility and students, he said.
But there has so far been no ruling out of wealthy, self-funding students, providing they reach the required entry standards, being included in such extra places.
The proposals are being considered as part of a White Paper on higher education set to be published this summer.
At present, the government sets a quota for the number of places English universities are allowed to offer each year.
This fixes a limit on the number of publicly-funded places - and the idea of "off quota" places is that universities could create additional places for those students who did not have to borrow loans to pay tuition fees.

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