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May 5, 2011

Nigeria Army Recruitment 2011 Short Service Commission

The Nigeria Army invites applications from able bodied and qualified Nigerians for the grant of Short Service Commission (SSC) as officers into the Nigerian Army.
The SSC offers an excellent opportunity to young Nigerians who want to have an experience in the Army without necessarily having to spend their entire career life in it. The SSC is open to both civilians and serving military personnel.
2. All applicants must satisfy the following conditions:
a. Be a Nigerian as defined in the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
b. Be a male between the age of 24 – 29 years.
c. Possess at least a first degree of not less than Second Class Lower Division or HND of not less than Lower Credit in the arts, sciences or humanities from any recognized University or Polytechnic as the case may be.
d. Measure at least 1.68m in height.
e. Be medically and physically fit.
f. Applicants (less serving members of the Armed Forces) must possess NYSC discharge certificate or a valid exemption as the case may be.
g. Possess valid birth certificate endorsed by the National Population Commission, hospital or local government council of birth or valid age declaration.
h. Possess a valid certificate of state of origin.
i. Must not have been convicted by any competent court of law.
j. Be recommended by at least 2 recognizable referees who must attest to the applicant’s character and integrity. Serving military personnel must be recommended by their commanding officers.
2. SSC will be granted for 10 years. Six years will be on active list renewable thereafter for a period up to 3 years. No extension is admitted after the ninth year of commission except on conversion to regular combatant where applicable.
a. Officer cadets who successfully complete the military training shall be granted the rank of Second Lieutenant.
b. Conversion to regular commission is not automatic. It is based on availability of vacancy and other criteria that are or will be in force from time to time.
c. All graduating officer cadets must sign an acceptance of the terms and conditions governing the Short Service Combatant Commission before they are granted commission into the Nigerian Army.
d. The reckonable period of service will be based on the date of commencement of cadet training of both civilian and military personnel entrants.
7. The following will apply:
(a) Obtain a PIN Code from any branch of Oceanic Bank nationwide upon the payment of N2,500 Application Fee to the Cashier.
(c) Read the Qualification Criteria and select either Short Service Combatant or Direct Short Service.
(d) Enter basic details as requested alongside the PIN Code.
(e) Login to begin filling the forms and upload documents and passport.
If you have any problems, Use the Contact Us link on top.
Applicants are to complete the form online and upload all required documents stated in the general instructions. Applicants must print out their online generated photo-card on completion of their application. Successful applicants are required to present their printed photo-card to the selection board during the interview.
4. Applications close on 30 May 2011.
5. For further information, you may call the following support lines 07061869929, 08023800632, 08060294492, 07030383908, 08061572286 09-8709668 and 09-8734009. You may also visit
Army Headquarters
Department of Military Secretary
Mambilla Barracks
Asokoro Abuja

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