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May 24, 2011

NYSC Batch B 2011 Orientation

The NYSC Batch B 2011 orientation will commences on Tuesday, July 5, 2011 and run until July 26, 2011, based on the information available on the NYSC website. The NYSC preliminary list will be displayed at
various universities and polytechnic anytime from May 11, 2011, while the NYSC callup letters will be available at various institutions for collection by prospective NYSC Batch B corps members from June 28, 2011.
All candidates due for NYSC programme can do their registration online. This should reduce the cumbersome nature of registrations at NYSC orientation camps. However, note that some form of registration may be done in camp so make sure you go to the NYSC orientation camp with your full credentials. Foreign based candidates must visit NYSC Headquarters at Abuja personally for registration. With an eNYSC scratch card priced at N250 prospective NYSC corps members can gain access to the authorized NYSC pre-registration websites. You will need the callup number on the NYSC preliminary list for the online registration.

Pre-registration for NYSC orientation can be done on the internet at the following NYSC websites. You will need your callup number from the NYSC preliminary list to do the online registration. Here are the links to follow for your NYSC pre-registration:
About NYSC

What is NYSC?

NYSC was created to foster unity among Nigeria’s about 250 ethnic groups and to create a sense of nationhood and selfless service among young people. There use to be two NYSC batches, namely batch A and batch B. However, with so many graduates waiting for NYSC call up, NYSC now have three batches, batch A, batch B, and batch C.

The NYSC programmes runs for about 12 months and during that period, graduates of Universities and Polytechnic are deployed to serve in states that are not their state of origin. NYSC allowance currently stands at about N9,500, although there are seruios moves to increase it.

The NYSC programme is divided into four main stages namely:

NYSC Orientation:

NYSC corps members are camped for three weeks in an NYSC orientation camp where they live a militarylike regimented life. Events at NYSC camps include parades, Man ‘O’ War activities, and drills (every morning), Lectures on different topics like Entrepreneurship, Job search tips, Self employment, National security, Road safety, Fire fighting, HIV/Aids, Environmental issues, MDGs, NYSC aims, and so on are organised at the NYSC orientation camps for corps members. At NYSC orientation camp, corps members are divided into different groups called Platoons. These platoons compete against each other in activities like sports, dance, drama, beauty pageants, and so on.

There is also an endurance race usually towards the end of NYSC orientation camping so that most corps members will be fit for the race. A campfire night party is also part of the NYSC orientation programme. NYSC orientation begins with an induction and ends with a winding down parade ceremony. At the winding down ceremony, NYSC corps members will be given posting letters to their places of primary assignment. NYSC Camping is generally fun.

Primary Assignment:

After the fun in camp, NYSC corps members will now face the challenges of everyday Nigeria. During Primary assignment, NYSC corps members are posted to organisations to work for about 10 months. Most corps members are posted to schools where they are expected to help in providing teaching services.
The next is accommodation, immediately followed by how to survive with a grossly inadequate N9,500 (63.33 USD) monthly allowance.
NYSC primary assignment takes place simultaneously with NYSC community development service (CDS)

Community Development Service;

CDS is at the core of the NYSC scheme, each corps member is expected to belong to one NYSC CD group. During CD, NYSC corps members use their skills in selfless service of communities in which they are deployed.

NYSC corps members usually focus their CDS on some challenging issues in their community of deployment some include Adult literacy; Charity visits to hospitals, prisons, old people’s homes and children homes; Sanitation; construction/provision of basic infrastructure; and so on.

Passing out ceremony:

Passing out ceremony is the last stage of the NYSC scheme. This consists of one or two weeks of events, which ends with a passing out parade. Events usually take the format of lectures on some topics similar to the one at the NYSC orientation camps but focus is on preparing NYSC corps members for the challenges they will face in Nigeria.

Lectures focus on issues like NAPEP, NDE, Self-employment, Entrepreneurship, preparing winning CVs/resumes, Tips on Job interviews, and such related topics. NYSC secretariats use this period to study experiences of corps members with the scheme.

NYSC corps members (mostly those posted in state capitals) also practice for the passing out parade during this period. After passing out parade, NYSC discharge certificate is issued to successful corps member. For all successful NYSC corps members a chapter has just ended and a new chapter is about to begin.

Challenges facing NYSC

However, NYSC currently face many challenges, some of which include underfunding, large number of graduates above what was anticipated by founders of the programme, and rejection of NYSC corps members on primary assignment.

The biggest challenge for NYSC today is what happens to the thousands of graduates that pass out of NYSC programme each year. It is not right for government to allow those who have served this country meritoriously to languish in the hopeless job markets of Nigeria.

The federal government should create social welfare schemes for passed-out NYSC corps members, and pay current corps members even better allowances. NYSC should also be restructured to reflect today’s reality.

Pre-registration for NYSC orientation can be done on the internet at the NYSC website:
  • You may also find NYSC schedule for the different batches on the NYSC programmes like NYSC Batch B 2010, NYSC Batch C 2010, and Batch A, 2011. NYSC Batch B 2011 orientation will run from July 5 to July 26, 2011.

Visit NYSC website at for more information.

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