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May 9, 2011

Pakistani Prime Minister briefs parliament on the raid of Osama Bin Laden

Pakistani PM Yusuf Raza Gilani is making a statement in parliament about the US special forces raid which led to the death of Osama Bin Laden last week.

He has launched a defence of Pakistan's record in fighting terrorism, highlighting its civilian and military losses.
And he strongly denied that there had been any collusion between Pakistan and al-Qaeda to shelter Bin Laden.
"Allegations of complicity and incompetence are absurd," he told MPs.
The address comes amid questions about how the al-Qaeda leader was able to live apparently undetected in the town of Abbottabad near the capital.
On Sunday, US President Barack Obama called on Pakistan to investigate the network that sustained Bin Laden.
Mr Obama said it had to find out if any officials knew of his whereabouts.
There have been suspicions that someone in Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) spy agency, which has a long history of contacts with militant groups, may have known where Bin Laden was hiding.

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