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June 25, 2011

Drinking lots of water can prevent kidney disorder

Health awareness activist, Hadunni Ogunjumelo, is the coordinator of a non-governmental organisation, Kidney Rejoice. In this interview with TUNDE ODESOLA, Ogunjumelo speaks about some health-related
Where did you draw the inspiration to take up activism in kidney failure awareness?
You don’t need to be a kidney patient to know that kidney failure is becoming rampant in the country. All I needed to be inspired was the pains suffered by kidney patients during treatment. All I needed to be inspired is the joy of saving lives through awareness advocacy. To think that a little more awareness in terms of what you eat, drink and your general outlook to life could make a difference is heartwarming as well as heartrending. It is heartwarming because a lot of people out there are getting more and more aware and they are changing their lifestyle. However, a larger population out there is oblivious of the vital life-saving information about the disease. Research has shown that certain risk factors increase the chances of people being inflicted with kidney ailment. My late dad, Prince Adebisi Oyegoke, was a massive source of inspiration. He taught me to be selfless. He taught me to live for others. He taught me about true love and the passion to develop and invest in people. The lifestyles of Joyce Meyer, Pastor Enoch Adeboye, Mac Oladejo, Ituah Ighodalo, Mic Abdul, Joe-Okei Odumakin, and Martin Luther King are also inspiring. I draw great strength and immeasurable inspiration from my husband. Kidney Rejoice is in the vanguard of a silent revolution in kidney ailment treatment. We’ve been to schools, market places, hospitals, churches, mosques, streets, parks and garages.
What are the causes of renal disorder?
Renal disorder could be hereditary. It could be caused by other terminal illnesses. It could be caused by alcohol intake and the use of drugs that are not prescribed by competent medical personnel. Some people take excessive alcohol and, in an attempt to suppress the inebriation effect of the alcohol, they embark of taking some drugs to lessen the effect of hangover. By doing this, they overwork their system and disorder might creep in. Renal disorder could be caused by an auto accident through injuries to the kidney. A renal problem could occur if someone is hit violently by an object or a blow on the kidney. Also, the excessive use of analgesics, improper medical maintenance of diabetes and high blood pressure, the use of bleaching creams, smoking, stress, are some others causes.
What accounts for the growing incidence of renal disease in the country?
Some of the factors that account for the high rate of renal disease in the country include the cost of treatment, lack of information, eating and drinking habits, lack of treatment and inadequate equipment. This is why the call on government, wealthy individuals and the corporate entities is even the more strident by Kidney Rejoice. If the government, private and private bodies could invest in dialysis centres, the growing incidence of renal failure in the country would be checked.
How can renal failure be prevented?
The foremost measure to take is to regularly go for medical check-ups. When you go for medical check-ups – say at least once in six months – doctors can quickly detect the onset of renal disorder. At the early stage, renal disorder could be checked through the use of some medication or application of medical therapy. There are basically two major types of renal disorder. We have the acute and the chronic types. People with high blood pressure and diabetes should watch it because these could easily lead to renal problem. The intake of red oil, salt, and the cholesterol should be watched. High potassium level in the blood is dangerous. For people who have not been diagnosed as having bad kidneys, the intake of a lot of water is recommended because this would help in the flushing of the kidney. People in the tropics get dehydrated easily; therefore, there is the need for a regular intake of water to flush the system.
You’re not a kidney-related expert. How come you’re grounded in kidney issues?
I took interest in kidney-related problems a few years ago when someone very, very dear to me had a kidney problem. This was how I began to read literature about kidney problems. This was what challenged me to establish the Kidney Rejoice non-governmental organisation, in order to create awareness about the health problem. I have attended workshops, lectures and symposia within and outside the country on kidney advocacy.
You also appear to have passion for youth development empowerment. Did you grow up in lack?
From the teachings of The Holy Bible and The Holy Koran, it is obvious that Jehovah, the creator of heaven and earth is passionate about babies and the youth. The Bible is replete with passages that describe children as God’s gifts. In Psalm 127: 2-5, God talks about the vanity of our mortal existence and the indisputable primal place of children and youths in the sight of the Lord. I didn’t have a harrowing childhood – in terms of money – because my father was wealthy. But the reason for our existence in life is to affect our society positively so that we would bequeath a legacy of love, peace, joy and hope to upcoming generations. What’s the essence of amassing wealth when people around you do not benefit from your riches?-Punch

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