EBAY bidders were last night offering up to £30 for a historic final edition of the News of the World. Copies of yesterday's last-ever issue were up for grabs on the auction site after newsagents across the UK sold out within hours of opening.
Readers snapped up more than four million copies, giving the title its biggest sale for a decade.
Well read ... Mr Murdoch
The paper, shut down by owners News International in the wake of the phone hacking scandal, carried the Page One headline: Thank You & Goodbye.
It chronicled its most famous exclusives as it looked back at the criminals it had put behind bars and the liars and cheats it exposed in its 168-year history.
Many shops sold out of News of the Worlds by 8am yesterday.
All change ... reading last paper on London bus
One shop assistant said: "People rushed in to buy the paper as soon as we opened. They're all gone."
Media boss Rupert Murdoch was reading the paper as he arrived at NI's London HQ yesterday in a red Range Rover.
Mr Murdoch, 80, has flown in from the US to oversee NI's response to allegations of widespread illegal phone-hacking by former News of the World journalists.
NI chief executive Rebekah Brooks later met Mr Murdoch at his central London home for a briefing. They later had a meal at a hotel nearby with James Murdoch, Deputy Chief Operating Officer of NI's parent company News Corp.
At least 12 people including nine journalists and three policemen are said to be facing jail over phone hacking and illegal payments to officers.
Yesterday it emerged that internal NI memos dating back to 2007 and indicating widespread hacking at the News of the World, have been handed to Scotland Yard.
The notes were written shortly after News of the World Royal Editor Clive Goodman and private investigator Glenn Mulcaire were jailed for phone-hacking. At the time the pair were said to be the only ones involved.
Ms Brooks and James Murdoch were made aware of the memos only relatively recently.
Labour leader Ed Miliband yesterday renewed his call for News Corp's proposed full takeover of BSkyB to be put on ice until a police investigation is complete.
Senior Scotland Yard officers have indicated six former News of the World journalists said to have dealt directly with Mulcaire and three colleagues who were aware of his snooping are likely to be arrested soon.
On Friday, ex-News of the World editor Andy Coulson was arrested.
Mr Coulson resigned from the paper after Goodman and Mulcaire were jailed but insisted at the time he had no knowledge of wrongdoing.
He was later appointed as director of communications to Prime Minister David Cameron but quit after renewed speculation over his role in the scandal. Goodman was also arrested on Friday - along with a 63-year-old man who has not been named but is thought to be an ex-private investigator. All have been bailed. -The sun
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