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July 6, 2011

University Of Ibadan admission tips

I have decided to summarize some of the advice I had at one point or the other gave on University of Ibadan admission in this write up.
University of Ibadan is located at Ibadan, the capital of Oyo State in the South-Western part of Nigeria. UI, as the University is fondly referred to, owes its unique character to a combination of historical, geographical, cultural and architectural factors. Its history is a chronicle of the first citadel of higher education established in the country in 1948 as a college of the University of London. It became a full-fledged independent university in 1962, two years after the country's independence from Britain in 1960. It took off with degree programmes in medicine, basic sciences, arts, social sciences and education. It is now a comprehensive university with additional programmes in agriculture and forestry, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, technology and law. From students enrolment of 144 in 1948 the population of students increased steadily to approximately 18,000 in 2005/2006 session with 35% postgraduate and 65% undergraduate.
Also, there are 11 faculties and 11 halls of residence in Ui and  if you're thinking of attending university in Nigeria, think ui.
On Admission
Note also that Ui admission process is free and fair, thou not perfect, you need not know anybody before getting admission and you equally do not need to give cash to secure admission.
University of Ibadan Merit list is 99.99% Merit.
There is no doubt about the fact that University of Ibadan admission is still one of the best in the country if not the best and to start with,
Here is how the University of Ibadan calculates candidate's point for admission:

1. Your score in JAMB divided by 10. i.e if you score 270 in your UME just divide that by 10, this gives you a maximum of 40% and in this example it will be 27%

2. Write down your grades in five relevant subjects. i.e English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology (for Engineering, Science Applicants, Medicine inclusive of course). While English and Maths is compulsory, choose other three (most likely, the three choice subjects you wrote in your Jamb)
Note also that Ui accept D7 in Mathematics for Law programme and in computation of the O-level point, Mathematics is not one of the subject computed for Law Candidates

3. For the five subjects above, calculate your O-Level point thus:
     A1 ,  6
     B2 ,  5
     B3 ,  4
     C4 ,  3
     C5 ,  2
     C6 ,  1
     D7, E8, F9 ,  0
Add-up your points for the five subjects and multiply your result by 2. This gives you a maximum of 60%

4. If you are Mr perfect and you have 400/400 in JAMB , that's 40%. And another A1 in 5 relevant subjects that's 5 * 6 * 2 = 60% which gives you a total of 100%.

Guys, that's your point. If you calculate your point to something like say 60%- 70% , you can begin preparing for the post ume interactive session because UI will take such percent but above all, it depends on your course of study. Some courses cut off point could be say 50% while the Almighty Economics could be as high as 75%

Other points to note when the admission process start
Always read INSTRUCTIONS carefully and more importantly be calm when filling forms
because it is always difficult to correct such mistakes. 
Also don't forget that the admission exercise will soon start and please don't give anybody any money for any admission in ui because it wont work and am emphasizing this because I know how it works. Just pray and if you merit it or close to the merit, you should be able to be admitted. But the fact still remains that if you merit it you will get it without paying a kobo.
For the post ume interactive session, all that they do is to ask between 5 to 10 questions in relevant subjects to your course of study.
In summary, you need to do this for while preparing for the interactive session

1. Pray.
2. Self confidence
3.Prepare and be at the venue as early as possible
4. Use simple English.
5. Be free with the interviewers, they are fathers and mothers as well and they want the best for you.
6. Mind your dressing
7. Relax and be conversant with your results and your course of study.
when i mean your course of study, i do not mean that you should know much about medicine or engineering but i mean the  basis of relevant subjects to your course of study. just know the basis and imagine a student coming for economics and who can not differentiate between micro and macro economics, then you should know that such a person is not fit.
Some cut off in the last two sessions;
pols science--------64.2
vet medicine------------43.3
civil engineering-----------67.8
mech eng------------------68.1
industrial -------------------62.3
mbbs--------71, 1
computer sci-----63.7

Got an advice or comment, drop it here, Also join iaaaz on facebook and twitter on this discussion and others by clicking the facebook and twitter like button by the right side of this site
Still want to talk to me then call +2348082087131 or text

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