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February 8, 2011

How to get your desire with Least Effort

The book Simpleology contains five laws to help you get what you want:

The Law of Straight Lines: The shortest path between two points is a straight line. If you want to get a particular result, take the fastest and most direct route. Don’t add any extra steps.
The Law of Clear Vision: In order to hit a target, you need to see it clearly. You must have a clear vision of exactly what you want in order to get it.
The Law of Focused Attention: In order to hit a target, you must focus sufficient attention on it until you hit it.
The Law of Focused Energy: In order to accomplish something you must focus sufficient energy on it until you have done so.
The Inescapability of Action/Reaction: There are two things from which you can never escape: action and reaction
All these laws are useful. After spending some time to ponder them, I think we can summarize them into three basic steps you should do to get your desire with the least effort:

1. Know exactly what you want
While I’m sure most of us have an idea about what we want, I don’t think many of us know exactly what we want. For instance, if you want to have your own business, do you know what kind of business you want to build? How will it look - in detail - several years from now?

2. Always follow a straight line
Do only the things that brings you closer to your destination. Do not waste your time to do extra things which will make it longer to reach your goal.

There might be things you do, perhaps even daily, that take you away from your goal
This, unfortunately, is easier said than done. Without realizing it, you might have some habits which do not bring you closer to your goal. There might be things you do, perhaps even daily, that take you away from your goal. They make you follow a curved line instead of a straight one.

3. Sharpen your saw
While doing things which brings you closer to your goal is important, you will waste a lot of time and energy if you do not do them with a "sharp saw". It’s dangerous to be busy; we may work too hard trying to make things happen without realizing that our saw has become blunt. In such situation we could work very hard but accomplish very little. You might then be surprised when someone else - who seem to work less than you do - surpass your achievements.

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