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February 7, 2011

Staying Positive and Confident

Individuals who have never been involved in starting a business or running a business, becoming self employed will seem like a rather frightening situation. Indeed those people who are currently employed will also hear of negativity and denial from employees and indeed colleagues. People will have concerns over their short term incomes, over the risks involved in setting up a business, or indeed will have concerns over the possibility of failure. And much of this negativity will be generated by colleagues, employers or even family around you.
This was of course a concern of mine. And more notably, I also find that there are times that these concerns over risk and failure attack me over and over again.

 I felt full of motivation to achieve everything I wanted, one of which was to become self employed and hence time independent. However, doubts were raised by others around me, and I suddenly found myself worrying about risk and failure in just a couple of days.

Fortunately, it didn't take me long to realise how to stay confident and motivated. You'll notice that there is a consistent theme in a number of similar personal development and entrepreneur blogs and websites. That's because the people who write these blogs are of similar mindset - they understand the value of being an entrepreneur and possess a certain entrepreneurial spirit. They are positive and motivated and convinced not only that they will succeed but also that like minded people will succeed alongside them.

I suppose the message is therefore to ensure that you are surrounded by these like-minded entrepreneurs. These people will never tell you that you might fail, but will fill you with confidence that you will succeed.
Take it from me, if you truly want to succeed at your goals, then you will achieve them.

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